
"Dah Hsian Experts, Please Answer" – Dah Hsian Seetoo Library Quiz Game

一、活動主旨 Event Objective


In celebration of the 5th anniversary of Dah Hsian Seetoo Library, this fun quiz activity aims to enhance participants' understanding of the library while encouraging them to explore its various sections in person.

二、活動內容 Event Details


During the event period, participants will have a limited time to complete 5 quiz questions. Those who successfully complete the quiz will receive a special souvenir from Dah Hsian Seetoo Library.

三、活動時間 Event Duration

2024/11/11(一)~2024/11/29(五) 10:00-18:00。

2024/11/11 (Mon) – 2024/11/29 (Fri), 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

四、活動地點 Event Location


2f front desk, Dah Hsian Seetoo Library.

五、活動對象 Target Audience



六、活動辦法 How to Participate

  1. 報名方式 Registration
    參加者需至櫃檯與館員確認參與,並使用櫃檯提供的 iPad 點選輪盤隨機獲得一組 PIN 碼。
    Participants must visit the front desk to confirm their participation with the staff and use the iPad provided at the desk to receive a randomly generated PIN code via a spin wheel.

  2. 遊戲流程 Game Process:
    使用個人手機進入 Kahoot! 網站,輸入獲得的遊戲 PIN 碼,輸入暱稱,開始挑戰。
    Using their personal smartphones, participants should visit the Kahoot! website, enter the PIN code they received, input a nickname, and start the challenge.
    After answering each question, participants must click "知道了!(Got it!)" and "下一題(Next)" to proceed to the following question.

  3. 兌獎方式 Prize Redemption
    After completing the quiz, participants must show the score screen on their phone as proof to claim their prize:

    • 積分達 2,500 分以上者,即可參加抽獎。
      Those scoring 2,500 points or more can enter the prize draw.
    • 積分未達 2,500 分者,仍可獲得參加獎。
      Those scoring less than 2,500 points will still receive a participation prize.
      參與者可至 2 樓櫃檯兌換獎品或參加抽獎,獎品數量有限,兌完為止。
      Participants can redeem their prizes or enter the draw at the 2nd-floor front desk. Prizes are available while supplies last.
  4. 其他規定 Additional Rules:
    There is no limit to the number of times one can play, but each person can only claim one prize. A prize redemption form must be filled out when claiming a prize.
    To ensure fair play, participants must adhere to game rules, which prohibit photography, video recording, and sharing answers online.

七、活動聯絡人Event Contact Person:

        Digital Innovation Section: Mr. Jung, extension: 77035