
"Witty Brick Champion" – Dah Hsian Seetoo Library Brick-Building Competition

一、活動主旨 Event Objective


In celebration of the 5th anniversary of Dah Hsian Seetoo Library, this fun-filled brick-building competition will strengthen the connection between readers and the library, while highlighting their creativity and craftsmanship.

二、活動內容 Event Details


During the event period, participants will have 20 minutes to complete a micro-brick model of Dah Hsian Seetoo Library. Those who finish within the time limit will be awarded a micro-brick set as a prize.

三、活動時間 Event Duration

2024/11/11(一)~/11/14(四) 12:00-14:00   (12:00-12:30,  12:30-13:00,  13:00-13:30,  13:30-14:00) 每日開放四個時段報名,每時段限制3位參加者

Four time sessions will be open for registration each day, with a limit of three participants per session.

四、活動地點 Event Location


2f reserved area, Dah Hsian Seetoo Library.

五、活動對象 Target Audience


Faculty, staff, and students of National Chengchi University

六、活動辦法 How to Participate

  • 報名時間 Registration Period

  1. 第一階段─線上登記(←請點選網址超連結):2024/10/21(一)12:00~11/04(一)17:00
    Phase 1-Online Registration(URL): 2024/10/21(Mon)12:00~11/04(Mon)17:00

  2. 第二階段─現場登記:2024/11/05(二)12:00~11/08(五)17:00  (若第一階段結束尚有名額,會將尚有名額時段公佈在圖書館FB及活動網頁上,有興趣參加者可直接至達賢圖書館二樓櫃台登記。
    Phase 2 (On-site Registration): 2024/11/05(Tue)12:00~11/08(Fri)17:00 (If there are still spots available after the first phase, the remaining time slots will be announced on the library’s Facebook page and event website. Interested participants may register directly at the 2nd-floor counter of Dah Hsian Seetoo Library.)

  • 活動注意事項 Event Guidelines
  1. 活動期間內每人限報名一次,如有發現重複報名者則取消資格並釋出名額。
    Each person may register only once during the event. Duplicate registrations will result in disqualification and the spot will be released.
  2. 報名成功後當天請於活動開始10分鐘內至達賢圖書館二樓櫃台報到,逾時則失去參加資格。
    After successful registration, participants must check in at the 2nd-floor counter of Dah Hsian Seetoo Library within 10 minutes before the event starts. Late arrivals will forfeit their spot.

七、活動聯絡人Event Contact Person:

        Digital Innovation Section: Mr. Song, extension: 77038